Modifying IO-configuration for Revolution Pi from within the development environment

Applications for a â†’Revolution Pi provide the possibility to trigger the configuration software "PiCtory" directly from within Neuron Power Engineer, to modify the IO-configuration and to transfer the changes to Neuron Power Engineer:

  1. Within a project that has been created based on the project template Counter Project for Revolution Pi: Expand the PLC-object displayed in the project explorer.

  2. Open the context menu for the displayed sub-level item (= the â†’resource) that equals the Revolution Pi.

  3. Select the command Change IO configuration.

  4. In PiCtory, do the necessary changes.
    See, if you require information/instructions on PiCtory. 

  5. After you have completed the changes, open the context menu again and select the command Load IO configuration.
    Result: The IO-configuration is transferred into a global-object within the Neuron Power Engineer project. This global-object has the same name as the resource within the PLC-object, the name of the GLOBAL section within the global-object is hardwareConfig.
    The items in the global-object are resource-global variables that represent the hardware IOs, their physical addresses have already been entered (after the keyword AT).

  6. If the project has not been created based on the project template Counter Project for Revolution Pi, perform the appropriate steps according to "Changing Revolution Pi projects or the runtime system for Revolution Pi to use the generic IO provider".

Now you are able to access the declared global variables in Neuron Power Engineer by using external variables (e.g. within an ST-object). See "Declaration of external variables in ST" on the syntax required for the external variable.

Considering changed hardware IOs

If you modify the IO-configuration and transfer the changes to Neuron Power Engineer, mind the following consequences:

If the name of the resource has not changed, the items in the global-object are updated accordingly.

If the name of the resource has changed, a new global-object is created. This global-object has the new name of the resource. The name of the GLOBAL section within the new global-object is hardwareConfig as well. Subsequently, there are 2 GLOBAL sections named hardwareConfig producing the following message: Identifier 'hardwareConfig' already declared
Workaround: Delete the global-object with the original name of the resource. Or rename the GLOBAL section within this global-object.